Man does time fly.


So it’s been nine months since my last post. That’s a little long. Sophomore year has wrapped up, and so has the summer. I released Flip, and that was quite the adventure! It did better than I thought it would, and I gained so much valuable knowledge. It actually was picked up by a design studio in Boston and we’re in the process of revamping its graphics and design. Very exciting and completely new territory for me!

Summer came and went - I hiked some mountains in Maine and Tennessee and it was a nice change of pace from the hustle and bustle of school. I even started work on a couple of prototypes.

I’m now back in school, starting my Junior year, and holy heck does it make me feel old. Time has really blown by - I still so vividly remember move-in day - and it is scary thinking that happened just over two years ago. I’m excited for my classes this semester, some highlights being AI for Games and Networking and Advanced Topics for Games.I feel like I’ll be learning a lot. I also have a couple of projects on the back burner while things calm down from the initial whirlwind of school; I hope to write about them soon.

Until next time, and I promise it won’t be nine months this time around.