Time for a new project.


Been a little since my last post, so I figured I’d give an update on where I am in life. I’m really close to finishing Flip; only need to tune up the tutorial, some sprucing up and then release. Final projects are finishing up for my classes now, so there’s that. Crunch time is so much fun. In all seriousness though, I’m excited for my Graphics Programming final project: it is literally to create as beautiful a game as you can in four weeks; and I’m proud to show it off now.

It’s called Self Destruct, and it is the cumulation of four weeks of chaos. It features parallax backgrounds, particle effects, shaders, random weapons, enemies, and controller input. The music is pretty darn cool too. I’ll upload it to its portfolio page in the coming days; I first have to worry about finals and other projects, but I promise you’ll be able to play it soon! Keep an eye out for other blog posts too on some of its subsystems and architecture.